
10 - Designing a process

How are processes connected to competitive advantage? After a conceptual answer to this question, we explain the logical connection between value creation, the voice of the customer, and the voice of the process. The general flow of the design methodology is also explained. A simple example is first used (Part 1), than a more complex one Part 2).

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10.1 - High level overview of the DCDV process design methodology

Part 1 - A simple example  - Watching a movie

This is a conceptual lesson.  Processes are designed from the market in, or from the customer to the process.   From the customer corridor, the critical to satisfaction factors are defined, metrics are generated, the voice of the customer is specified, process concepts are generated, evaluated and improved.  The video illustrates this general outside-in pattern using different examples.  The techniques required to use the methodology are presented in detail in this chapter, and discussed in the next video.

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Part 2 - A very complex example - Saving a life

This is not as complex as it gets, but getting close.  Connected isolated processes, each characterized with irreducible uncertainty, eventually produced an effective value stream.


10.2 - DCDV - characterize & design: a technical note

This is a technical note explaining the inner workings of the QFD matrices (characterize phase), the concept generation technique, and the Pugh design matrix (design phase).